Is the employee’s loyalty towards the company, brand or to the people that work there? An acquaintance of mine forwarded me a clip posted on LinkedIn regarding “best talent leaving”. This was posted by Dipl.-Ing. Lars Behrendt, who is an author and keynote speaker on the topic of innovation. His caption read: don’t just sit there, get in the driver seat!
In one of the remarks under that post a Mr. Stephan wrote: “I believe, people build a relationship with other people, not with companies. The job itself can be found in other places as well. Especially when it comes to innovation, I think, honest interest, real room for failure and a lot of appreciation and understanding for small steps are crucial to build an innovation-mindset and gather people, who are willing to keep an enduring relationship with each other - and thus stay.”
This of course made me think. Over the last year I have developed a genuine interest in company cultures and research that revolves arounds this topic. What is truly the main contributor of a company’s culture, where people want to do their best, NOO sorry, more than their best? In HR we call this total (and complete) engagement.
When you accumulate everything, it all really boils down to one main contributor. People. How does the owner, director, leader, coworker behave, lead, work? High performing employees will leave organizations fasterbecause of people in the organization.
People: human interaction, EI (Emotional Intelligence), leadership are the important components of a healthy, rewarding, fun work environment where everyone does their best every day, not because they must, but because they want to! There is a difference.
A cultivated environment where, when something goes wrong, employees feel comfortable tabling the issue and there is honest feedback, it is not immediately penalized. An environment where crucial conversations take place to each other not about each other. One where high performers are recognized, celebrated and all employees have fun at work. Every day.
Ohhh yeah, and when, in event that a high performing employee leaves, dare to ask! Encourage leavers to be honest (accept this honesty!) and have them share the true reason, not the superficial one. Dig deep, encourage the dialogue and find the true answers. Don’t just sit there!!!!! Use this information to have crucial conversations and make the necessary changes. Do something.
High performing employees have choices. Think about it!